Posted by: travelrat | November 11, 2010

Qype: Seaworld Whale Watch in Gold Coast

Gold Coast

‘Spirit of Migloo’ is just one of the boats that set out from Queensland’s Gold Coast to take people out to see the whales. She’s a modern, luxurious catamaran fitted with the latest instrumentation.

‘But we don’t use radar or sonar’ they said ‘It would disturb the whales too much’

So, they rely on experience and know-how … and, probably, messages from a friendly helicopter pilot … to find them, and so confident are they that they offer a refund in the event of not seeing any. However, they do use audio equipment, so that passengers can hear the whale song.

We were here to see the Southern Humpback Whale. Every Southern winter, that is, from June to November, they migrate along the eastern coast of Australia from their feeding grounds in Antarctica to their breeding grounds further north, off the coast of tropical Queensland.

They say they’ll give you a refund if you don’t spot any whales, but, on this occasion, only 20 minutes out, we saw plenty. I was expecting a series of splashes and spouts some distance away, but some of them even got close enough to the boat to enable some really good photos or video to be taken … IF you were quick enough.

Check out my review of Seaworld Whale Watch – I am nomadkeith – on Qype


  1. Hi Keith,
    Your not really prepared for the speed at which the whales go back under, I know it took me by surprise the first time I saw them. I think I watched too many documentary’s. 🙂

    • Indeed, you do have to be quick. & maybe anticipate a bit. Main problem was my camcorder doesn’t have an eye-level viewfinder & I had difficulty seeing the ground glass screen in the bright sunlight.

      But, I got some good stills, and my grand-daughter got some video, which you’ll see when its turn comes up on the Friday dish.

      If you want a sneak preview of OUR video, it’s at

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