Posted by: travelrat | September 23, 2009

Chocolate con Churros


Chocolate con Churros at 7.30 a.m.; couldn´t wait for the hotel breakfast at 9 a.m. For the uninitiated, that´s a cup of hot chocolate with a plate of long deep-fried pastries you dunk in it. I´ll post some pictures when I get home.

Owing to the risk of swine flu, Spanish people are being advised to greet their friends with a handshake, rather than the traditional ´dos besos´(two kisses)

They don´t seem to be taking much notice, though!



  1. Those churros look fantastic. I saw them on the travel channel. Do they taste as good as they look?

    • They do if they´re dunked in drinking chocolate so thick you could stand a spoon up in it. I´ll post some pictures here when I get home, & I´ll be doing an article about them for ´Global Foodie´.

  2. They look really decadent—and decadent usually means delicious!

    • Decandent also usually means expensive … but this isn’t. €2.50 if I remember right.

  3. Love those churos – I remember the horchata and fartons on Valencia were a similar idea – I think it’s supposed to be a sweet fix when you’d been out partying all night in Spain.

    • Hi, Heather!

      Glad you could make it; welcome aboard!

      Yes; it is *alleged* that, in Madrid, it serves as a pick-me-up between partying and work … which most madrileños/as I know strongly deny!

  4. […] where I partook of some chocolate con churros … there’s a description and some pictures at . And, considering that she spoke no English, and I have very limited Spanish, I got on really well […]

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