Posted by: travelrat | January 2, 2022


For many years, my New Year resolution was not to make any resolutions.

Then, one day, in late December 1997, I was recovering from a heavy cold, and thinking about going out to the shop for some cigarettes. But, it was grey, misty and sleety outside.

What the hell? I thought. I haven’t had a smoke for five days. Why do I need one now?

And, I haven’t smoked since. So, maybe that counts as a New Year resolution?

In the last couple of years, though, I’ve made one which I’ve actually kept.

‘I resolve never to use the words ‘essential’ or ‘iconic’ in my writing’

That was so successful, I’ll add something else this year. I will not advise readers to ‘Head for …’. Or, worse still, ‘Hop over to …’

Happy New Year, everyone!

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