Posted by: travelrat | April 10, 2022


The main road through our town is closed for three weeks … because they’re putting in a cycle track. The Pelican crossing is to become a Toucan crossing, so cyclists can use it too. But, is it all a waste of money? Cyclists used it anyway, although I think, legally, they must wheel their bike across, rather than ride it (???). And, will the cycle track be used? Many is the time I’ve seen a cyclist wobbling along the road, with a queue of traffic behind him … with a perfectly good cycle track paralleling the road.

Don’t get me wrong … I used to ride a bike regularly, and think cycle tracks are a good idea if they’re used properly. Especially in the Netherlands, where they’ve got it down to a fine art; they even have their own traffic lights and stuff. Germany is not far behind either, and there, if there’s no cycle track, you can legally ride on the pavement.

But, in Britain, we often see people riding on the pavement … which isn’t legal unless it’s been designated as a cycleway. Quite often, it’s divided into half; a bit pedestrians use, and a part for cyclists.

I would be the last person to counsel legislation; you will not ride on the pavement; you will use a cycle track where one is provided. After all, the main advantage of cycling is freedom from red tape of this kind. Probably the way to go is ‘friendly persuasion, like they do in Vancouver …

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