Posted by: travelrat | January 16, 2022


The other day, I had a minor incident. The CD holder on my computer wouldn’t open. It wasn’t, however, a great problem. It was easily solved by the Swiss Army … or, to be more precise, an item of kit they’re supposedly issued with.

But, it set me to thinking about a conversation with a young friend some weeks back:

‘CDs? Are they still a thing?’

It worried me a little. Are they set to go the same way as the floppy disc? Most of my early photographs are still stored on CD, although the newer stuff is on a detachable hard drive, so if the computer decides to call it a day tomorrow, I won’t have lost much.

Maybe there was a sign of the writing on the wall some years ago, when my grandchildren gave me an MP3 player, declaring my portable CD player ‘so last century’, Since then, even the MP3 player seems to have had its day; music these days is downloaded into a phone.

Looking through my bits and bobs drawer, I find Flashcards and xD cards, but I have no means of viewing them any more. Is the CD going to go the same way?

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